Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Morning Meeting: Working on Customer Service – #1 The Customer is Always Right

Monday Morning Meeting: Working on Customer Service – #1 The Customer is Always Right

Customer service may not be the first thing you think of when you think about a dental office, but it is an integral part of the office and should be considered an important part of each team member’s job. A dental office’s most important asset is its’ patients and without them, the office would not succeed in business. Practicing good customer service helps to grow the success of the office as happy patients continue to come back and recommend the office to friends and family. Ensuring that each team member is dedicated to quality customer service and providing a positive experience for each patient is one of the most important jobs there is.

There are ten rules to customer service that must be followed. This week we’ll discuss how the customer is always right.

Rule #1: The Customer is Always Right

Okay so the customer may not actually be right every time but it’s a good mentality to have when dealing with patients on a daily basis. Even though you may work in a dental office, you are still in a field that is designed to service a customer’s needs. If you do not meet the customer’s needs, then your office may not see that patient again.

You see, the patient is kind of like your boss; you wouldn’t tell your boss that he/she is wrong and refuse to work together towards a solution. Instead you’d try to solve the issue without insulting the boss and risk getting fired. 

When a patient comes to you with a complaint or concern, treat him/her like they’re your boss. Truly listen to the patient and develop a solution that makes everyone happy. You don’t want to risk making the patient unhappy because then they might fire your office and find someone new to clean their teeth. That’s not what you want! 

Never forget that the customer is who actually pay’s your salary and makes your job possible. 

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