Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday Morning Meeting: Show Employees How Much You Love Them, Tip #4

While your primary goal may be to provide exceptional dental care, it’s also important to remember that you are also the leader of a small business. And, as the leader, it’s important to keep your employees happy and satisfied with their work. The saying “A happy wife is a happy life” also applies to your office staff, hygienists, and assistants who are the face and life of your practice.

 All too often employees only hear from the boss when they mess something up or do something wrong. But your employees, like all people, needing to receive feedback on their daily performance. And, more often than not, they need to hear more about what they’re doing right as opposed to what they’re doing wrong. Emphasis on positive behaviors will ensure that they continue to do them and will reinforce the good over the bad.

But we know that it can be hard to make time to praise each individual when you’re in the trenches and focused on your own work. That’s why we’ve got some free (well mostly free) ways to show appreciation for a job well done.

Tip #4: Offer a day or half day off with pay for a job well done.

So this is where the “mostly free” tips come in, as this one is not free and might be a little expensive. However, this reward should be reserved for when an employee truly goes above and beyond their job description in the name of your practice.

Keep in mind that your employees are a large part of the reason why your patients keep coming back. If they are blowing people’s minds with their courtesy, respect, generosity, and fairness then chances are they’re inadvertently making you a lot of money! Rewarding someone for doing something truly spectacular with a paid half day will not only make them feel awesome but will also show them that you truly appreciate how hard they are working to make your office a success.

This isn’t something we recommend doing all the time. But just knowing that it’s possible is sure to make your employees work hard, long, and tirelessly to make sure your patients are satisfied with their dental care and personal care in your office.

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